The WRILL deal!!!


We hope the Godwinks & blessings that are part of our story will renew your faith and HOPE in Jesus! It’s a HEART thing!

Hill and Wright had big goals & dreams that they often shared with us. These dreams gave them so much to look forward to each day and an unbelievable motivation to push forward during their difficult journey. Their dreams were God’s incredible gift to us! Little did we know that we would actually be the ones bringing their dreams to life.

We know there is nothing we can do to bring our boys back. We honestly are just trying ‘to live’ while creating and finding joy along the journey until we join them again. We want to remember them, honor them, and make them a part of everything we do. Denny reminds me often that it is no one else’s responsibility to keep their memories alive: it is OURS!

🤎 He uncovers mysteries hidden in darkness; he brings light to the deepest gloom 🤎
~ Job 12:22

This desire to bring their dreams to life led us to open a small store in the community they loved so much, stocked with good ‘ole Southern Boys apparel, accessories, and provisions. We have thoughtfully selected items the boys loved or reminds us of them. We hope when you stop by you will feel them close.

Most importantly, we hope that you will be inspired to ✨Be A Light✨ to others and to remember no matter how hard things in this life seem there is ALWAYS HOPE and to NEVER GIVE UP! 🤎

🦆🦌 Just ask the animals, and they will teach you. Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you. Speak to the earth, and it will instruct you. Let the fish in the sea speak to you. For they all know that my disaster has come from the hand of the Lord. For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being.🦌🦆🌳
~Job 12:7-10

WSO History

FIRST: Who remembers Wrill Southern Shuckers🦪? It is small side gig that began over 10 years ago out of a passion for hunting, fishing, and all things oysters. Oh, but it was so much more!! I watched a father and son’s bond grow and heal from the loss of their favorite little sidekick and brother. I saw hearts transform. I saw a love and passion for others grow. I felt my marriage change in a way I had prayed for for years. I saw a change in a grown man’s heart that only Jesus can do! 🤎 We are so grateful for those humbling moments and how it all started. So naturally, ‘all things oysters’ is a part of the store!! 🤎🦪🤎

The WRILL Deal - FOOD: I’m talking good ‘ole Southern Food! Chances are, if you have been around my three Lanier boys, they have either fed you or suggested specific places and foods you should try. The sharing of food has brought people together since the beginning of time. It's just how we make friends, nurture relationships, celebrate milestones, mend conflicts & simply feel gratitude for life.

Food was healing for both boys! It was one of the few things they still enjoyed regardless of where their journey took us. It was something that connected us as a family; it connected us with those around us and it connected us with YOU. So many of YOU poured into our family. Yall have fed us physically & spiritually over the years...heck, you still are!! We are forever grateful & committed to paying it all forward. 🤎

Our Wright wanted to be a chef. He had big plans to open a restaurant - The Greasy Bease! He spent many days watching The Food Network and discussing his food business plans with his nurses. He often spoke of “feasting” with Jesus; Communion was his favorite. He loved when his Daddy would put on a “feast” for others and he always wanted to cook for people. He was very specific about a few groups he wanted to feed before he left us: he also wanted to feed the homeless. We have and will continue to live out his dreams in his memory.

So it’s only ‘WRIGHT’ to offer some food at Wrill Southern Outdoors. You will find anything from gourmet to-go Ladyfingers, Callie’s Hot Little Biscuits, Lake Mattamaskeet Crab Cakes, seasonings and other items to flavor your food, like duck fat, and Hartley’s BBQ sauce. We would love to hear your suggestions too!

We can not wait for you to try some of our favorites! Maybe I can even convince Denny some evenings/weekends to throw some food on the grill or steam some oysters! If you ride by and see him in the parking lot grilling or steaming, stop & ‘feast’ with us!!

🤍If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him… the people who give you their food give you their heart.🤍
~Cesar Chavez

Now that we have shared with you about all things OYSTERS & FOOD…it’s time to share the inspiration for our men’s apparel: that would be our sweet, handsome, southern gentleman, HILL. Oh, how I’ve missed buying clothes for him. I truly get so excited to open every box that comes in! Everything about this adventure reminds us of him. This was Hill’s vision y’all. We wish he was here more than anything 💔 He was the mastermind behind all of it--including the name: Wrill Southern Outdoors. His Boykin Spaniel “RIGGINS” is the dog in the logo 🤎

After his stroke in June 2020, his dream of going to NC STATE for engineering was put on hold indefinitely. The stroke left him with severe memory loss, cognitive deficits & disabilities that required constant supervision & ongoing therapy. Not to mention, one month prior to the stroke he lost vision in his right eye. He wanted to work. He wanted to be independent. He was worried how he would provide for himself one day. He was worried how he would provide for his family in the future. He was such a planner and the ultimate over achiever. Those wheels started turning. This is when the idea & conversations began about him starting his own online t-shirt and hat business. He knew he could manage the online business and still travel to Ohio for his treatments.

Y’all this gave him so much HOPE!! The kind of hope that makes you get up and fight even when ALL the ODDS are stacked AGAINST you! The kind of HOPE that comes from having an intimate relationship with God. This vision gave him something positive to look forward to each day. It gave him purpose. I’ll never forget his face on December 5, 2020 while in Ohio..his fortune cookie from PF Chang’s read, “You will have a successful business of your own one day” GODWINK 🤎 It sure is healing doing exactly what he wanted! This online portion of the store just reflects his vision even further.

We cannot wait for you to see the pieces selected each season. No doubt, they are Hill approved. Brands include: American Flyway Waterfowl, Burlebo, Brown Dog, East Coast Waterfowl, Fieldstone, Wrill Southern Shuckers, and Wrill Southern Outdoors with more items and brands being added as we grow.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love ~ Col 3:12

There are no words that seem adequate today. I still believe God is good! I have experienced His goodness through all of you-His people. That’s the only explanation for how Denny and I have survived without our boys. We will celebrate their wonderful lives today and everyday...until we join both boys one fine day 🤎🤎
